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/enc [option]

gather – (on/off) use of mana recovery skills
gather – [1,99]% manna to start using mana recovery skills
healpoint – [1,99]% you want to start firing off self heal skills/spells

DB entries

DB::ENCAlliance = alliance spell
DB::switchCharmPet =
DB::switchGather =
DB::GatherPercent =
DB::runeVeil =
DB::runeEldritch =
DB::runeSpray =
DB::runeReactive =
DB::runePoly =
DB::runeUnity =
DB::runeMind =
DB::runeEntAuspice =
DB::runeLegion =
DB::runeShieldofFate =
DB::runeWard =
DB::runeBrimstone =
DB::runeAuspice =
DB::runeAuspiceToon =
DB::mannaCrystal =
DB::healCrystal =
DB::AASlow =
DB::spellSlow =
DB::spellTash =
DB::spellMez =
DB::spellpbaeMez =
DB::spellStun =
DB::spellCharm =
DB::ENCPoint = ##% for self healing
DB::spellTerror = Nights endless terror spell you want to use
DB::lstTerrorToon = List of toons to use spellTerror on