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/wiz [option]

forcetwincast – Force using twincast spell and nuking with twincast nuke as much as possible
gather – (on/off) [1,99] % manna to start using mana recovery skills
healpoint – [1,99] set the % you want to start firing off self heal skills/spells
line – [off|fire|ice|magic|mix] set the line of nukes
manaburn – (on/off) auto use of Mana Burn AA

DB entries

DB::WIZAlliance =
DB::GatherSpell =
DB::tempPet =
DB::spellConcussion =
DB::spellConcussionPct =
DB::lineFire =
DB::lineIce =
DB::lineMagic =
DB::lineMix =
DB::runeMagiWard =
DB::runeShieldofFate =
DB::runeCrystalwing =
DB::runeGuard =