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/mag [option]

forcetwincast – (on/off) forces use of twincast nuke whenever it is up to get a twincast proc from it
gather – (on/off) [1,99] % manna to start using mana recovery skills
healpoint – [1,99] set the % you want to start firing off self heal skills/spells
line – [off|fire|ice|magic|mix] set the line of current nukes

DB entries

DB::MAGAlliance = alliance spell
DB::ServantNuke =
DB::ParadoxSpell = paradox rod clickie
DB::ParadoxRodName = clickie summoned by paradoz spell
DB::OrbSpell =
DB::OrbName =
DB::SelfRodSpell =
DB::SelfRodName =
DB::ModRodSpell =
DB::ModRodName =
DB::ElementRodSpell =
DB::ElementRodName =
DB::GatherSpell =
DB::NukeSalvo =
DB::NukeSalvoCondition =
DB::Cauldron =
DB::useRain =
DB::doRainNuke =
DB::RainNuke# = (1-2)
DB::spellMalo =
DB::MAGPoint =
DB::lineFire =
DB::lineMagic =
DB::lineMix =
DB::switchForceTwincast =
DB::NukeTwincastFire =
DB::NukeTwincastMagic =
DB::NukeTwincastMix =
DB::NukeTwincastCondition =