Toons will attempt, if enabled, to debuff every class cycle.
If a debuff of a specific type is detected on a mob, it will remember it and move on.
(on/off) or [on|off]
ENC/BRD (required mode of DUAL) enable/disable mezzing mobs
maloENC/BRD (required mode of DUAL) enable/disable mezzing mobs
(on/off) or [on|off]
MAG/SHM/NEC malo a target
tashMAG/SHM/NEC malo a target
(on/off) or [on|off]
ENC tashing a target
crippleENC tashing a target
(on/off) or [on|off]
classes still being sorted on this one
eradicateclasses still being sorted on this one
(on/off) or [on|off]
INT caster, ranger and druid AA to remove buffs from targets
snareINT caster, ranger and druid AA to remove buffs from targets
(on/off) or [on|off]
Class only AA snares
slowClass only AA snares
(on/off) or [on|off]
Enables slowing of current target
Enables slowing of current target
NOTE: not all classes have access to all debuffs. As usual, apply common sense. Your snowflake warrior is not going to be tashing, not even with an item.
DB entries
= Name of “thing” to use on a target for cripple effects. Does not have to be a spell
= Name of the snaring item/aa/spell/disc you want to use (not zerkers)