There are two basic types of environment settings. One sets how Core instructs that character and the other will establishes how Core instructs ALL of your characters
core commands adjust the way Core will respond for that character only. These are personal environment setting.
autoAdjusts Core operations to Automatic (on) or Manual (off) modes.
Check for in game cash every time Core is started.
Force use of the Core’s file. or not. whatevers..
Auto switch your AA to exp/vice versa in case you like to die a lot.
Auto accept raid invites. safelist or core_communications channel apply.
Auto accept group invites from people in your safe list or in the core_communications channel.
Will send raid invites to characters that send you a tell with “LFR”.
Enables spending/buying the 100 AA fireworks when you have at least 120 AA banked.
Rest to Full mana and not stand back up at the
/cc rest ##
%.Enables buffing while resting.
Enables resting through combat until rest$ is reached or full depending on settings.
Enables using Mod Rods while resting.
Environment setting impact all toons using Core. You make the change on 1 character it will impact all of your characters.
advlootTurn on/off Cores advanced loot control.
An old guy is sitting on a bus when a punk rocker gets on. The punk rocker’s mohawk is red, green, yellow and orange. He has feather earrings.
When he sees the old man staring at him, the punk rocker says, “What’s the matter old man? Didn’t you ever do anything wild when you were a young guy?”
The old guy says in reply “Yeah. One time I screwed a peacock. I thought maybe you were my kid.”
Will remember the last spell you had in your buff gem and put it back after buffs are done.
Keep tie active in combat or not.
Force a delay in core while zoning. “Can” be helpful for zone crashes.
Disable the build info on mac start.
Disable non critical information on start.
Display automated exp adjustments.
Enable use of glyphs outside raid in burns.
Enable AANow, DiscNow, ItemNow while in manual mode.
Changes the max buff count Core will generate on a start. Default is 10.
Enables Food and Drink while in Manual mode.
Sets the max lvl mob mob you are willing to engage.
Sets the minimum lvl of mob you are willing to engage.
Enables /mode options to remain after zoning.
Changes the MacroQuest.INI file and turns off the extra captions under a toons display name.
Enables clearing the MQ window on a / command execution.
Adjusts the size of the Font in the MQ window.
Forces Core to remain in a nuke loop till all nukes are cast in order. As long as the target is alive.
Enables your guild to be auto included as part of the safelist.
Enable AA echos.
Enable broadcasted echos.
The channel # you want to use for some Cor responses, like a death, rez, loot exceptions.
Enable Disc usage echos.
Enable Item usage echos.
Enable Melee usage echos.
Enable Spell usage echos.
Enable Relay tells to be echoed in the MQ window.
Enables all verbose settings in the MQ window.
Enables zone reset echos.
Enables broadcasted stop echos.
Enables broadcasted /take echos.
Enables broadcasted /enter echos.
Enables broadcasted /invis echos.
Enables broadcasted /killmob echos.
Enables broadcasted /clean echos.
yah.. so there is no easy way to describe the /admin command. its used for a lot of “odd” commands and managment.
blockedbuffs/admin dbexport [nickname]
will export the character only database to the data folder with the file name “export_CLS_[nickname].db”. This database will have all player names removed and reset to defaults. This command will also export a small INI with a similar name containing the current spell gem loadout.These two files can be shared with others and imported with
/admin dbimport [nickname]
Enable/disable maintenance mode for Core. Maintenance Mode disables all Core primary functions while still giving you access to any / commands and control over other toons.
will return the SQLite value of that variables field.NOTE: the character ini file must match the current character server_name and so on for it to import.
/admin safelist add
can also do:
/admin safelist delete
to remove the current target.All toons in the core_communications channel are auto included in the safelist.
Overrides alter Core’s environment by changing the base ways some operations are handled. Some overrides can be dangerous and should be used with caution. It is not advisable to leave them on. The only exception is a rogue with LoS override.
safezoneOverrides the Zone Control for safezones. If you have a zone set as safe and this override on, its no longer a safezone…
Ignore all Line of Sight checking.
If you have a Target set as excluded for a zone, with this override on, the target is no longer consider excluded.
If you have a Target marked as a Named mob in the zone control, this will ignore that setting.
Override all engage % for combat and immediately engage the mob. Pets and swarm pets are included.
Ignores your safe list settings and will trust EVERYONE.. Not a very good idea.
When using
/mode trainspell
this will ignore your cating skill caps and simply continue casting that spell till the end of time. This is a good method for turning a caster into an enchanting machine.