Modes are set aside from normal game play. They change the way Core functions to adapt to specific situations. Modes will work in automatic or manual (mostly).
Modes are not limited to one at a time. It is completely acceptable to run several at once; fishing and forage, or maybe scorch, hunt and petfarm.
Collect/mode collect
All this will do is use Nav to run around your range and collect shines. Invis and agro issues are your problem.
NOTE: this does not break an active invis or SoS.
/mode drag
Drags corpses. easily drag an entire wiped raid. will do nothing but drag corpses. will drag them until you tell it to stop dragging. simple as that. on a side note, it’s useful for irritating clerics trying to rez.
/mode fish
Fishes; seriously.. what did you want?. uses [Fisherman’s Companion]( if you have one. adheres to the core.loot.ini list.
/mode forage
Forages things, that’s about it. Adheres to core.loot.ini list.
/mode harvest
This zone list line can be used for ground spawns that you want to pick up.
/mode agro [##]
is needed to control how large of an area you will run around in to pick things up.NOTE: there is no automated form to enter the items you want to pick up. you will need to see how they are labeled on the map and enter those names. for example mushroom farming in North Kaladim would look like HarvestList=|*Blue Mushroom|*Red Mushroom
/mode hunt
Hunt is designed to watch and kill only specific list of mobs.
/lc huntmob
is executed in order. the mode will kill all mobs listed first, then the second mob then the third and so on. if you are killing, say a mob second on the list and a mob first on the list spawns, the mode will readjust to the first mob./mode open
All this does is open a ground object. DB::modeOpenItem controls the item to be opened. will just sit there and open it. good for slayer chest /ach, about useless otherwise
/mode petfarm
For use with static pet classes [MAG|NEC|BST|ENC|SHM|DRU(wtf)|SHD]. this will sit your toon in a spot and use the pet to assault everything it can reach. the owner will keep the pets and themselves buffed when
/core auto
is enabled.
Notes on pet class ranges: Mage[200], Beastlord[250], Enchanter[200] Necromancer[200], Druid[200], Shaman[200], Shadowknight[200]. setting /agro ##
over those numbers and the pets will be unable to engage their mobs.
Warning: this mode disables Line of Sight checking.
/mode skill
Use to train basic melee skills. Works best when dueling a pet class in a modern guild hall.
/mode scorch
For when you must absolutely kill every moving thing in a zone. scorched earth is just like it sounds. once engaged, the toon will move to the nearest mob, kill it and move to the next nearest mob. it will not stop doing this until you issue the command again to disable the mode.
Warning: this mode disables Line of Sight checking.
**Caution:** this is in no way a path friendly mode. it will adjust, like /mode hunt
, to move around objects as best it can. but it is best to keep an eye on it once in a while. if you are not using the MQ2Nav plugin, you will have collision and pathing issues.
/mode summon
If you are in the Guild Lobby, this mode will go fetch your corpse(s).
/mode tradeskill
This one is a little picky. You must have the tradeskill window open with the item you want to combined selected. Make sure to deselect the Make All checkbox. Everything you make will be applied to the core.loot.ini file and deal with it how you have set.
/mode trainspell
Cast a spell till you are mac in that skill. If the spell summons an item, normal loot rules apply
DB entries
= drink to use for alcohol modes
= item to open for /mode open
= abjuration spell for mode trainspell
= alteration spell for mode trainspell
= conjuration spell for mode trainspell
= divination spell for mode trainspell
= evocation spell for mode trainspell
= T/F enable modes to persist through zoning