Core supports several different types of pulling.
Pulling can be done with a bow, a clicky, spell, disc, aa. The range of allowable targets is controlled with the characters agro range. Core will tag a mob, with whatever method you happen to be using, get it to camp. Kill it and any friends it brought along then go get another. Please keep in mind, the puller will be relentless, it will not stop till you tell it to or there is nothing left to pull.
/cc pull
(on/off)/cc pull
[base .. calm .. int .. multi .. nav .. pet]/cc agro ##
The “tag” order for pulling is: spell, item, disc, aa, bow. If all you are using is a bow, that’s just fine. Core will use the first in that order it finds.
base pulling: This is the “stock” method of pulling in Core
baseint pulling: This is a bastardized form of Cleric/Shaman Intervention pulling.
intThe healer will need at least one Intervention spell memed and established in the DB for this to function. Also, you are limited to the nuke range on the heal, ~370 paces for a current raid geared cleric.
pet pulling: If you try to make this work without a pet class no one here can help you.
petnav pulling: This is prob what you would expect a normal pull method to be.
navcalm pulling: **UNDER CONSTRUCTION STILL**
calmmulti pulling: The best of “several” worlds!
multiSo, you set multi pull on a character, say your tank. You set the tanks agro range to a stupid amount like 500. here is what the tank will do:
– if the mob is LoS and within 100 paces, the tank will range pull it just like in base pull.
– if the mob is over 100 paces and there is a valid mq2nav path the tank will first send a melee class after the mob to bring it back. if there are no melee, it will send a pet class, if there is no pet class, you shouldn’t be using multi pull.
– if the mob is over 100 paces, not LoS and no path exists, the tank will ask the healer to pull the mob. If its out of the clerics range, the mob will be skipped and the tank will find something else to piss off.
Database entries for pulling:
= # of ranged summon items you want to keep minimum
= Whatever else you want to pull with; Disc, AA, Spell, Item
= (on/off) Turns pulling on or off