/cc agro 60 – sets the toon to engage any mob within 60 paces
/setassist g – sets toon to assist your group assist
/core auto on – turns the toon to automatic
Long as those are set, you have the nuke loaded into the DB, you should be right as rain.
if it still gives you issues, check the database values for your nukes.
This does not mean you cannot have more then 1 toon fighting for mob agro. Anyone you set to /cc agro enabled will fight for the mobs attention with whatever skills they can. If needed you can change the MA on the fly.
/cc pull
will set a toon to pull mode. This does not have to be the MA, realistically, it can be any class with a ranged/throwing item. The puller will try and get a mob to the group when there are none in its immediate combat range; typically 30 paces.
So, here’s the scenario. Shd, Rng, Clr, Wiz, Rog, Enc is the group make up.
SK is the MA, Rng is puller, rest are on standard jobs. Set the SK as MA and puller and reduce its agro to about ~30. This way, it will only focus on mobs close to the group. Set the Rng Agro to ~354 (or whatever space you have) and it will pull stray mobs to the group as long as the SK is not actively engaged. While the SK is engaged, the ranger will be too busy assisting to bother to try and pull anything in from outside the group.
SDEBUG ${whatever variables you are looking for} || ${whatever maths may be going on}
This will give you a single line of debug for that one spot.
If you have a need to debug farther. there is an addition to the HUD that will assist in debugging. Do the following:
/hc update debug
/loadhud debug
This will give a debug HUD under the main one. If you need help deciphering it, ask.
To get rid of the debug HUD, do /hc delete debug
So, I’ve been seeing a lot of the same questions.
Going to try and head some of them off.
auto pulling
Auto pulling promotes AFK playing. A serious No-No.. /cc pull
enabled is limited to the max allowable range of /cc agro
which is 400. Anything beyond that and the mob will be ignored. Core has nothing in it beyond a couple pre-set #events to support MQ2advpath auto path routines. /mode scorch
does not pull mobs, you go to them. In short, any automatic pulling is limited to your camp area.